< City / 20 of August in Gyor

Interesting places, memorable moments in a city

Mostly with these pictures I would like to create a memory/snapshot from a nice or most few places.


Sanctuary of Serenity, A Tribute to Timeless Faith

This captivating piece of modern art draws the viewer into an urban scene. The centerpiece of the artwork is a proud, sturdy building that speaks of history and time. Its brown hues provide a stark contrast against the grey backdrop, symbolizing the struggle between the past and the present. The streetlight stands as a lonely sentinel, adding a touch of solitude to the setting. Although created with acrylic paint, the painting possesses the charm and warmth of a child's artwork. This piece is a beautiful blend of the outdoors and architecture, a testament to everyday landscapes.


a painting of a building and a street light


Background: #grey,Foreground: #brown,Accent: #A26429


drawing,paint,art,modern art,child art,visual arts,acrylic paint,artwork,painting,art paint,outdoor,landscape


"Experience tranquility with this serene painting of a church. Perfect for adding a touch of peace to your space. #ArtForSale #ChurchPainting #SereneArt #HomeDecor"

Art is not what you see, but what you make others see. - Edgar Degas

20 of August in Gyor

20 of August is a big event in that city every year.