< Women / Mediation #02 BW

Digital art category related to Women

In the last year, we have created a few interesting Digital arts where the central focus is a woman a face or a body.


Elegance Grounded, A Tale of Resilience in Textile

This piece, delicately rendered in monochrome, captures the essence of a woman in a garment, seated in repose on the floor. The drawing, sketched with love, beautifully combines shades of black, grey, and white, creating a stark contrast that amplifies the emotion within. The woman's pose, simultaneously vulnerable and strong, invites the viewer into her world. The absence of color adds an abstract, ethereal quality to the piece, while the intricate details of the garment weave a story of their own. This is art that speaks to the soul.


a woman in a garment sitting on the floor


Background: #white,Foreground: #black,Accent: #666666


sketch,black and white,drawing,art


#ArtisticExpression #FashionArt #FloorSitting #MysteryWoman #GarmentGlamour #VisualArt #ArtForSale #HomeDecor #ArtisticInspiration #StyleInArt #ArtCollectors #FeminineGrace

Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth. - Pablo Picasso

Mediation #02 BW

Digital Art, 300 DPI